About us

Siadom is the investment bet of the PALM GROUP for the latest technology and INDUSTRY 4.0.

Our purpose is to be able to provide help and collaboration with the Police and Emergency Services, and offer tools, to facilitate the management of CRAs and Control Centers.

The Palm group is an industrial group with international implementation founded in 1988.

The Smart City applied to security and Emergencies, all interconnected, the collaborative model ORGANISMS and CITIZENS.

The digital age: new technologies

Industry 4.0 model

The fourth industrial revolution is considered by analysts. It is the digital management model, integral, all connected to automate all processes. SIADOM creates the first management of a CRA platform and Control Centers based on the 4.0 model.

All in the cloud

Siadom uses the new technology of the CLOUD, to host all its programs and Database in BIG DATA format. It provides unlimited processing capacity, number of subscribers to the service, history and database, computer security.

Artificial intelligence

The AI ​​engine is used to analyze the processes and evolve Siadom's technology, to the operational requirements demanded by users, to improve efficiency and facilitate the use of the media.

Big data

One of the most important contributions to information management is BIG DATA technology.

Speech synthesis

It is the evolution of the old alarm verification procedures to the current era of voice synthesis filtering. Complying with all verification procedures obtaining immediate action.


Siadom is developed to automate and improve the management of the C.R.A, or any type of control center management, integrate with emerging IoT technologies, direct transmission to the Security and Emergency Services Corps and Forces.